Before you go on about Deadmau5 not being American, so what place does he have speaking about gun policy in the US, remember that common sense gun control isn’t governed by borders. After the events of his week at Parkland High School in Florida, the topic of guns has reached another fever pitch in politics and media, becoming a focal talking point in many conversations.
Plenty of DJs have already said their piece about the ordeal and the proposed policy changes they wished would follow, but deadmau5 was the latest to chime in yesterday, following President Trump’s meeting with Parkland students in the White House.
Deadmau5 even admitted the only time he’s feared an attack during a performance was in the US. Read his tweets below.
President Trump on concealed carry for teachers: "If you had a teacher who was adept at firearms, they could very well end the attack very quickly."
— MSNBC (@MSNBC) February 21, 2018
This fucking idiot is insane.
— Goat lord (@deadmau5) February 22, 2018
I'm a performer. I perform at festival events. So, should I like… buy a few ARs so I can protect myself? Sounds like an amazing idea right guys?
— Goat lord (@deadmau5) February 22, 2018
did you ever fear an attack during your performances?
— ΞFIDIUM (@EfidiumMusic) February 22, 2018
edited: only in the states. BUT i am hopefful that POLICY and CHANGE will make things right.
— Goat lord (@deadmau5) February 22, 2018
k. plot twist: imma go play video games that depicts gun violence and mass shootings. because that's the ONLY place it belongs.
— Goat lord (@deadmau5) February 22, 2018
fun fact. they kinda would be if children didn't have em.
— Goat lord (@deadmau5) February 22, 2018
Photo via
he blocked me on twitter i wrote that tweet…. i made those comments first., he does not havefriends and heisapathetic lowlife artist that since his debut has only alienated and lost fans. deadmau5 is the worst investment as a festival or a club. he is just a mis erable path etic rat.