Tuscon Police are now looking into the possibility of fentanyl being a contributing factor to the death of rapper Lil Peep two weeks ago.
Lil Peep was found unconscious and unresponsive on his tour bus before a show in Tuscon, AZ on November 15. At the time, his death was attributed to an overdose of Xanax, but dozens of people came forward saying that it is actually quite difficult (though not impossible) to overdose on pure Xanax. (Note: a majority of these people were not medical professionals.) Those same people believed that he was given pills containing a mixture of Xanax and a powerful opioid called fentanyl.
Fentanyl also contributed to the accidental ODs of Prince and Eric Chase Bolling Jr.
Tucson law enforcement sources said Monday that investigators are “on the hunt” after receiving multiple tips, TMZ reported.
H/T Complex