“Wolves” by Selena Gomez and Marshmello recently played out as a “World Record” on Zane Lowe‘s Beats 1 show, along with a radio interview providing insight about the making of the track.
“We have one of them with us right now, and it ain’t Marshmello ’cause he doesn’t say shi– to anyone!” Zane hilariously intros the conversation.
When asked if she’d seen what’s under his Marshmello mask, the pop star admitted, “I definitely did. He’s actually cute — but I don’t know if he’ll kill me for saying that.”
Of course, most of us already know Marshmello’s true identity.
“Wolves” isn’t just a hit for hit’s sake. As Selena explains, she’s been focusing on her artistry and putting records out on her own terms. This year she’s working on making her music more meaningful, “Wolves” included.
“We created a really cool tone and a story with it. He’s incredible. It is weird to say Marshmello, but I got used to it. I like collaborating with people where it just works.”
She added, “The song is very beautiful and personal. The lyrics just have a whole story of its own.”
Listen to the interview here!
Selena Gomez x Marshmello – “Wolves” World Record
Photo via Rukes.com