That’s right, Rule 34 exists and it has no shame.
There is a Rick and Morty porn parody called “Dick and Morty” and it’s more amateurish and low budget than you could possibly imagine, which somehow just serves to make it even funnier. Good luck getting your jollies off to this piece of X-Rated filth, you’re going to be laughing to hard to even concentrate.
This piece of cinema gold was written and directed by April O’Neil, Vuko, and Lee Roy Myers, and stars such characters as Dick, his ex-girlfriend Untitty, Beth, Mr. Meesex and Bird Person. And of course, Pickle Dick makes an appearance, as well. We’re not sure exactly what role Morty has in the story.
You can watch the totally safe-for-work trailer below, and if you still have some morbid desire to watch the full thing, it’s available exclusively on Pornhub. Wubba lubba dub dub, folks… eesh.