At least 59 people have lost their lives as a result of the senseless attack this past weekend in Las Vegas. Their lives will not be forgotten.
Hannah Ahlers, 34 | Heather Alvarado, 35 | Dorene Anderson | Carrie Barnette, 34 | Jack Beaton, 54
Denise Burditus, 50 | Sandy Casey, 35 | Thomas Day Jr., 42 | Stacee Etcheber | Dana Gardner, 52
Angie Gomez, 20 | Charleston Hartfield | Jennifer Irvine, 42 | Jessica Klymchuk | Rhonda LeRocque, 42
Jordan McIldoon, 23 | Kelsey Breanne Meadows, 28 | Sonny Melton | Adrian Murfitt, 35 | Rachael Parker, 33
Jenny Parks | John Phippen | Quinton Robbins, 20 | Cameron Robinson, 27 | Lisa Romero-Muniz, 48
Christopher Roybal, 28 | Erick Silva, 22 | Bailey Schweitzer, 20 | Susan Smith, 53 | Brennan Stewart, 30
Neysa Tonks, 46 | Michelle Vo, 32 | Kurt von Tillow, 55 | Bill Wolfe Jr., 42
The remaining 25 victims are still in the process of being identified.
To read their stories, go here.