The iPhone 8 and iPhone X devices weren’t the only exciting developments announced at this year’s Apple keynote event — iOS 11 was also unveiled and it’s officially available as of today.
Moving forward, the iPhone experience will be much the same, with the most noteworthy changes involving notifications and the Control Center. The most radical differences come with the iPad iOS 11 update, which has introduced a new app dock, available anytime; and also a new multitasking feature that allows users to drag and drop content between apps.
The Verge has broken down the top 10 things you should check out to more fully understand the capabilities of the iOS 11 update. Make the most out of your iPhone by exploring these features:
Control Center
iOS 11 boasts a complete Control Center redesign so you’re going to want to familiarize yourself with it asap for a seamless experience. Everything from volume control, to turning on your flashlight — it’s all still there, just in different places.
One of the nice things about the new Control Center is the added level of control that Apple gives to its users, something generally unheard of from the developer which takes its own designs seriously. You can now customize “which buttons do and don’t appear in Control Center, and you can reorder them as well.” Though there’s still no room for third-party devs. Sorry.
Panels for Apple TV, video screen captures, and more let users take control based on what they’ll use most.
As for how iOS 11 works on the iPhone X (remember, no home button), Apple was a little more reticent to provide details. To go home, you swipe up. To get to the Control Center, you swipe down from the upper right. Swiping down from anywhere else brings up notifications. It will take some getting used to.
Apple utilizes pretty much the same type of notification system for iOS 11, which can pile up pretty quickly if you use a lot of apps, or have a lot of friends. Swipe away notifications and utilize the X button to clear sections (force press to clear all) to manage the swarm of notifications, according to The Verge.
For most iPhone users the lock screen and swiping down will pull up the same shade. iPhone X users — you can default hiding notifications on the lock screen, but as soon as your trusty device recognizes your face, they will magically appear again.
Files App
If you’re into the iCloud ecosystem, you’ll find the new Files app super helpful. Coordinate with you desktop computer or MacBook if you so desire.
Third-party storage apps such as Box, Dropbox, Google Drive, and OneDrive are all also accessible from within the Files app. Hopefully over time these will become even more integrated, but we’ll see.
The cool new drag and drop feature is usable within this Files system — so check that out!
Drag and Drop
On the iPhone, you can only drag and drop stuff on the home screen, and within the Files app. But the iPad’s iOS 11 system is much more powerful, and the drag and drop feature can be used to your advantage endlessly.
Two-handed navigation on the iPad becomes essential if you fully want to experience the drag and drop capabilities. Start by dragging a file, photo, text, etc. with one hand, and then use your other hand to navigate to the app you want to drop it into. Easier said than done, just try it out for yourself and you’ll get the hang of it.
Multitasking on the iPad
This is mostly the same as before, as far as using split screen, but the experience has been made way more seamless in iOS 11.
First off, there’s just more freedom and customization with it. You can “pair” the apps together so they appear in the multitasking view, and you can set your “skinny” app on either side.
But the real revolutionary feature is that you can also open up a third app in multitasking that sits on top of the other two, as a sort of floater. You can dismiss it by swiping it off the side of the screen, and call back in exactly the same way. You can also convert those floater apps into proper split-screen apps with a careful maneuver at the top of the window.
While it’s not as seamless or intuitive as you would get on a desktop or laptop, as The Verge points out, it’s miles ahead of what was available on the iPad before.
She’s not perfect. I have to admit — I shut off a long time ago. But, with the new iOS 11 software, some like The Verge are saying she might be worth another shot.
First up, she sounds more natural and less computer like. Now, there’s an option where you can type to Siri instead of talking, by switching her over to the keyboard interface.
Probably the coolest new Siri capability: Siri can translate English to Chinese, Spanish, French, German, or Italian. This is an awesome option for any traveler.
Taking a screenshot can be handy for many reasons, but now the iOS 11 is completely reinventing the way we use them.
Try taking a screenshot, and you’ll see it adds a thumbnail in the lower lefthand corner. If you tap it an app devoted to screenshot edits pops up, allowing you to crop, annotate, and mark it up with pens. Perfect if you’re trying to point out something specific in your screen shot, or want to block out information.
Augmented Reality Apps
You’re just going to have to see them to believe them, but the new augmented reality system for iPhones will definitely help the time pass if that’s what you’re looking for.
ARKit technology allows developers to map digital objects onto the physical space on iPhone screens, with a basic understanding of its surroundings. Explore the AR options and have fun
Live Photos
Apple’s new encoding process means photos and videos won’t take up as much space on your iPhone. Which means, the Live Photos will be worth it.
Before, Live Photos were simply fun to look at but didn’t really offer much functionality. As The Verge reveals, now you can swipe up to bring up options — loop it, bounce it back and forth, or choose “long exposure.” Note: These short, fun little clips will still save as MOV files.
The Portrait Lighting feature on the iPhone 8 Plus and iPhone X is also lit.
New Design
It sounds like a simple task for mastering the new iOS 11, but if you take a minute to really soak in the design, you’ll find little tweaks all over the place. It’s aesthetically pleasing, and boasts enough changes to make it worth the new update, while also keeping the character of the system we’ve come to so intuitively use.
“Apple made a huge shift way back in iOS 7, but with iOS 11 it feels like everything’s been a little softened,” The Verge states.
Apple’s new vibe can be most understood by looking through the Apple News app or the App Store. While you’re at it, download some new apps and get the best out of your iPhone!
Source: The Verge