Burning Man is almost too hot to handle! The annual gathering in Black Rock City sparked some extremely specific sexual desires within people in (or around) close proximity to the event, and Pornhub‘s search results are proof in the porno pudding.
Sure, watching 70,000 half-dressed people set off to romp around the nearby desert can be sexually frustrating. When shirtless men and women wearing pasties are the norm, the mind wanders to obvious places. Instead of packing up and heading out to the playa to get some, many ended up on the popular porn website to satisfy their sex cravings — and we can’t blame them.
From August 27 through September 4, Pornhub experienced a surge in festival and Burning Man related searches. “Festival public sex” saw an insane 833% increase, “sex festival” came in second with a 675% increase and the desire for a “Burning Man orgy” went up by 389%. Porn-seekers weren’t totally choosy about the content, often searching out broader terms like “hitchhiker,” “sex in tent,” “hippie,” and even just “Nevada.” [Pornhub Insights here]
“Nevada?” I wonder what pops up… BRB…
Burning Man Related Searches Surge of Pornhub
Source: Inverse, Pornhub Insights