Boasting a record number of artists and locations, 2017 is no doubt going to be one of the most impressive years the event has seen with an expected 2500 performers playing in over 140 locations across the city of Amsterdam from October 18th to the 22nd.
Amsterdam Dance Event, otherwise known as ADE, is no doubt the world’s largest club-focused festival. Not only does it cater to some of the most diverse music out there but it serves as one of the most important business conferences for electronic music; an outlet for both fans and industry alike.
Just about two weeks ago we were treated to just a slice of the talent that is expected to be showcased over the five-day long event this coming October. With impressive names appearing on the roaster such as Dax J, Adam Bayer, Ben Klock, Rødhåd, Joris Voorn, Stephan Bodzin, and Ø [Phase]. You can check out the full list of names below and of course, keep an eye out for the onslaught of others that will be released in the coming weeks.
For more information on the event you can check out ADE’s website here.