Yesterday, Panorama Festival kicked off with attendees looking forward to three days of music having debuted last year to great fanfare. This year’s lineup might have included heavy-hitters MØ, Frank Ocean, Solange, Justice, and many more, but despite all that star power, it was actually rapper Isaiah Rashad who grabbed headlines for literally breaking the floor while performing at the Parlor Stage yesterday around 5:00p EST.
The stage was eventually evacuated and shut off for the rest of the day after Rashad noticed fans moving away from a portion of the tent. After consulting with his manager, the lights were turned on and attendees made to evacuate in light of the situation. The Parlor Stage was eventually shut down for the rest of the day.
Attendees hoping to catch the acts that followed Rashad – Cherry Glazerr, Breakbot, Chris McClenny, and DJ Shadow – are for the most part, out of luck as only Breakbot has been rescheduled for today with Panorama apologizing for having to cancel the sets for the other three artists.
We apologize for having to cancel DJ Shadow, Cherry Glazzer and Chris McClenney's sets due to the temporary closure of The Parlor.
— Panorama (@PanoramaNYC) July 29, 2017
H/T: Billboard | Featured Image: NY Daily News