If you didn’t know, voting for the DJ Mag Top 100 opened today, and this means that all of your favorite DJs are now campaigning for your votes! Just kidding… except if you’re VINAI.
The duo, who placed #37 in last year’s poll, just released a pretty cringeworthy video asking people to vote for them in the polls, because their support is now more important than ever… even though the poll is losing relevancy in every market except Asia.
And for wanting votes in a “DJ” poll, they do very little of it in the video. The first 30 seconds of the 125 second video are simply the two of them doing their morning routine, leading to the line, “So what you guys have seen is what we do every day: we wake up, have a good breakfast, and then it’s time to work.” We’re not voting for you based on your choice of omelette fillings, sorry.
We also managed to get a good chuckle out of the line, “So sometimes, it means we make the people dance. Other times, we make the music that will make the people dance.” Ummm, okay.
Perhaps we’re being a bit harsh, but for a duo that has consistently been accused of being ghost produced, as well as often putting more emphasis on their looks and bodies than their production, this is rather par for the course.
Voting for the 2017 DJ Mag Top 100 is now open. Vote, don’t vote… we don’t care.