“In The Pit” by Lil Jon, Skellism and Terror Bass finally saw an official release last week. As one of the hardest bass tracks currently making rounds in the festival circuit, it was a welcome surprise and one that will no doubt bolster the track’s popularity even further.
Now, according to Lil Jon, clubs don’t want him to play it.
The rapper/producer/DJ told Billboard: “If I play it in a bottle service club, the owners will be like, ‘What the fuck is wrong with you? You’re trying to tear my club up.’ […] I did the crunk movement, and it’s the same feeling now as the crunk era — that got people too crazy, too fucking wild, fighting and all kinds of shit. My whole career has been: I make music for the club to go crazy.”
Francisco Romo of Skellism explained to Billboard: “We can’t play it in the middle of sets anymore, because half the people end up getting kicked out by security.”
“Literally promoters are telling DJs, ‘Do not play [“In the Pit”], I don’t want that bullshit,'” said Neil Jacobson, president of Geffen Records, who signed the song. “That makes me so happy — that’s when you know you’re on to something.”
That being said, listen to “In The Pit” below.
via Billboard | Photo via aLIVE Coverage for Insomniac