Hosting one of the biggest music festivals in North America is a sure way to bring in plenty of tourists and with them, a huge influx of economic activity. Not that Las Vegas needs it or anything. While hotels, restaurants, and bars can also certainly expect a good amount of traffic from EDC Las Vegas it looks like local law firm Pariente Law certainly did as well.
In fact, they actually went out and created an ad targeting the 100+ attendees who were arrested over the weekend. Aptly named “Arrested at EDC 2017,” this video details the exploits of founder Michael Pariente’s experience in working the majority of the drug-possession charges.
Hopefully, nobody reading this can personally attest to the quality of Michael Pariente in dealing with felony drug-possession charges, as that would obviously imply the previous arrest, but in any case, if you do end up in a bind – you know who to call!
H/T: EDM Tunes | Photo via Freedom Film LLC for Insomniac