The melodic prodigy known as Kasbo has stunned fans around the world with his captivating and innovative production style. Making a major splash and garnering support from names like Skrillex, Porter Robinson, Odesza and more in the early stages of his artist career, he has continued to stun with magical productions such as his hit track “World Away” on Odesza’s Foreign Family Imprint and his latest single “Found You” featuring Chelsea Cutler. Kasbo draws out the beauty in sound and puts you right in the feels.
Following up his major hit performance at Decadence NYE event in Denver to roaring fans, Kasbo returns for his debut live set at the Larimer Lounge this Thursday, June 15th for what is set to be a momentous showcase of his musicality and prowess.
Oh, and it’s already sold out.
Combining his knack for production with full creative control and menial limitations compared to a mere DJ set, the debut of Kasbo’s live show is looking like it will be something special as he takes on a new chapter in his artistic career. Check out Kasbo’s latest mix below, featuring several unreleased tracks, for a taste of what is to come.