The newly imagined and highly dynamic duo of Cavalier and montell2099 dropped a brand new collaboration this week, coming as a high flying and wildly experimental trap concoction set on the darker end of the two’s respective production spectrums. “Visions” features glitchy, chopped elements and a twisted yet warm sub bass that carry the energy through the song’s various sections, maintaining a kind of distorted chemistry that holds the listener’s interest without rest.
It begins with environmental samples and a slowly approaching series of glassy, plucked notes, while a foreboding bass pulse creeps toward the front of the mix. Soon, a distant, metallic screech and scratchy frontal elements takes over the space, until a swell of white noise transfers us to the drop. A simple but deadly percussion arrangement and gentle blips contrast in wonderful ways, resulting in a melody both refined and able to be danced to.
Listen below, and check underneath to grab your own download.