The RAM Records duo known as June Miller are releasing their funky yet techy new track, “A Pinda Funk”, on the label’s website on May 5, and Your EDM has the premiere. June Miller began in drum and bass in 2007 and have been considered one of the most successful DnB juggernauts since then, especially gaining traction in recent years and since signing with RAM.
“A Pinda Funk” is a collaboration with James Marvel and features MC Mota. The track opens with a classic RAM-style electro synth swell before it unceremoniously launches into a nasty layered beat which is also quite synth-driven. The synths paired with the rolling beat make the song feel faster than it actually is, so the vocals and the funky melody track seem surprising. The melodies are also multi-layered, and the mixdown and double-drops add another layer of surprise to this techy yet jaunty track. Listen to the streaming premiere below and check out the RAM Records website for the release this Friday.