Mickey Valen is back. The enigmatic producer first blew me away with his release on Lowly Palace “Meet Me” which as since accumulated almost 7 million Spotify streams plus a handy remix EP of its own. Now, he returns with a a suave new remix for Elin Bergman.
The producer’s remix for “Naked” features quick moving auditory textures built around Mickey Valen’s incredible ear for sound design and construction. The playful drop also features delicate vocal chops shaped perfectly around Elin Bergman’s smooth vocals. Tastefully done with plenty of playful elements such as the audio pitching, Mickey Valen does it for me once again delivering another banger this time in the form of a remix.
“I heard the original to this song and thought the lyrics and theme were really unique…i wanted to put my own spin to the song, something a little sweet and savage.”
Stream it and grab a free download here!