The unlikely combination of Skrillex and all-girl pop group Fifth Harmony took to Snapchat together earlier this week to post a quick video of the gang being silly with the flower headdress filter, coming as a possible wink towards an upcoming collaboration between them. Known for their presence on the X-Factor’s second season in 2012, Fifth Harmony went on to release several albums and singles, as well as tour beginning the following year. Their high energy pop tracks cemented the quintet as an acclaimed act of talented singers until one member, Camila Cabello, decided to leave the project in late 2016.
After a stint of unfortunate press, it appears that the group is back on its feet with the possibility of an approaching Skrillex collab. If the hint has any validity to it, fans will have the chance to witness another Skrillex-pop crossover track that likely throws the collaborating party into a new realm of popularity and stardom.
Check out the short Snapchat clip below.
H/T: Dancing Astronaut | Image: Rukes