According to reports from several phone networks, Snapchat was the most used social media application during the holiday period. Topping its user count above apps like Facebook and Twitter, the photo/video-sharing platform updated its caches with countless location and event-based lenses and filters for the season. Now, in honor of the year coming to a close, the app has released its list of the most popular ones from the year.
From the ever-iconic flower crown and dog face filters to the Face Swap, Snapchat’s most notorious lenses were used countless times by celebrities and regular folk alike. Some of them became so widely used that their algorithm and style were even copied and warped by such bodies as Facebook.
Below, you’ll find the Top 10 list of most popular face filters, in no particular order. Here’s to the end of 2016 and (hopefully) a new batch of popular filters for the next year!
- Flower Crown
- Friend Face Swap
- Dog
- Butterfly
- Pink Flower Crown
- Deer
- Bee
- Frown
- Camera Roll Face Swap
- Rosy-Cheek
Source: Trusted Reviews