Australia’s DJ Muska, known as Michael Muska, is the latest DJ to get caught trafficking an illicit substance across the border. Muska was charged for his involvement with the drug Ketamine.
Muska has been a staple of Melbourne’s nightlife for over 10 years, but it’s unknown how this offense will impact his career. He was scheduled to appear before court last week, and it was expected he would plead guilty to the charges, but he was unable to attend due to being bitten by a spider.
It’s unfortunate that so many club owners, DJs, and promoters have been getting ensnared with drug trade, and we hope to hear no more news of it. Earlier this year, several clubs were raided for harboring drugs, and other Australian DJs and promoters like Kasey Taylor and Robert Oung have faced trafficking charges for swallowing 500 grams of ketamine each.
Source: The Age