As the protests and media flurry over the Dakota Access Pipeline and Standing Rock reservation rage on, many supporters are doing their part to raise funds for the affected South Dakota residents. In the dance music circuit, hip hop/bass producer Mr. Carmack has taken it upon itself to lead the charge, raising over $5000 in a few days through payments made for his brand new EP.
Rekindling was released on Friday, November 25 as a joint effort between Carmack and Mad Decent’s Djemba Djemba. Featuring nine original tracks, the entire collection is filled with inspiring messages, vocal snippets of important figures and references to controversial but very human ideas that currently permeate the airspace. Along with their fantastic rhythms and beautiful, twisting melodies, Rekindling comes as a truly immense listening experience.
On the EP’s Bandcamp description, Carmack informs his followers that substance in our everyday lives is lacking. For too long, he says, we’ve been “silenced, placated, ameliorated, flat out lied to, medicated, pilled, reprocessed, taken advantage of, snuffed out, desensitized, overstimulated, and stuffed with preservatives, processed sugars and white pills, monotonous music, mindless alternate realities on cable tv, brainless celebrity idols and carnival games to keep you entertained, like a baby.”
Instead, he suggests, we should begin to put our energy toward more worthwhile goals, like teaching a class or planting a tree or spreading genuine positivity through our social media.
“This album is a thank you, and a stern reminder to take this holiday season to revisit and rekindle the flame in you. to take more of an active part in the world and not lie dormant. you work to survive. but, what in your heart is your end goal?”
All profits from the EP will go to #NoDAPL, the group of protestors currently stationed at Sacred Stone Camp in North Dakota. According to Mr. Carmack, a large portion of the currently-donated $5,000 was contributed by none other than RL Grime.
Listen to the full album below, and click on the link to contribute to an important cause.
Facebook image via RL Grime