Saturday evening marked the final installment of Marshmello‘s unprecedented three-night take over of The Shrine, one of Los Angeles’ most massive live music venues. During the previous two showings, the masked DJ brought out a whirlwind of guests from all corners of the music circuit. YG, G-Eazy, Madeintyo and Rob $tone all made appearances throughout Thursday and Friday night, leading attendees of Day 3 to wonder who who would be there to help Marshmello close down the weekend.
As it turns out, Saturday was the most jam-packed night of the entire series. Rappers Too Short and D.R.A.M. each emerged during the evening, the latter singing a portion of his chart-topping track with Lil Yachty, “Broccoli.” Marshmello was also joined by Kat Nova, Elohim and even Slushii, according to his Twitter.
Check out clips of his final night in Los Angeles below.
Tonight's finale was unreal! Thank you LA for 3 sold out nights at the shrine! Big ups to @TooShort and @BIGBABYDRAM for coming out tonight
— marshmello (@marshmello) November 13, 2016
Thank you to @RealKatNova @elohimmusic @SlushiiMusic for being a part of night 3!
— marshmello (@marshmello) November 13, 2016
Legend @TooShort
— marshmello (@marshmello) November 13, 2016
Had a blessed birthday, started off being 24 the best way I could. @marshmellomusic
— D NA$Ty (@dez_xo) November 13, 2016
Alive. Dead. Revived. Living. Experienced. @marshmellomusic
— “Puerto Rican Jon Snow” (@Zesty_Trip) November 13, 2016
Image: Rukes