First premiered on Proximity, Nolan Van Lith & Paris Blohm release their spin on The Chainsmokers hit “All We Know.”
Paris Blohm & Nolan had sent their remix to The Chainsmokers and they responded with, “This is so tight.” Fast forward about 2 weeks later and their remix had officially been released on Proximity garnering over 200,000 views as of right now!
The remix includes all the stylistic hallmarks that we’ve come to know and love Nolan Van Lith for and reveals a new side to Paris Blohm. From happy trapped out bass chords to high pitched vocal chops this Chainsmokers remix is most certainly bound to brighten your day.
Listen to “All We Know” (Paris Blohm & Nolan van Lith Remix) below!
Free Download here!
If you dig the track make sure to follow both of the producer’s on their socials below:
•Nolan van Lith: