If you’re used to my features and overall content, you’ll know instantly that this sort of style isn’t immediately associated with my own. As time has unraveled once again, Play Me Records has done an exceptional job of reeling me back in, with excellent productions and quality content.
Now, this one by Bad Catholics & Apollo starts quite calmly. Directly after a marijuana- flavored vocal sample, the team introduces a dreamy chord progression paralleled with tightly-tuned synth melodies to form the perfect soundscape for its style… or so we’d assume.
Wrong. Before long, the bass line is subtly introduced to the listening party before dropping into an absolute bonanza of bass. What is the term the kids have coined to describe something of this nature and velocity? When the speedometer skips the measurements 1-99 or something? Oh, right. This track goes from 0-100. Fast.
This one is set for release today! You can purchase it here: https://play.spotify.com/album/2tiiM8aZRE0DM3pexvIjEK?play=true&utm_source=open.spotify.com&utm_medium=open