It was only a couple months ago since Felix Jaehn released his single, “Bonfire,” featuring Finnish singer ALMA. The piece was met with countless praise across the world, while also marking a turning point in the young German producer’s career as he ventured for a more resilient, grittier sound. Not long after its release, Scottish house producer Chris Lake revamped the single into vibrant house anthem, further amplifying the single’s accessible appeal.
In celebration of an epic summer of worldwide performances alongside a flourishing career, Felix has released a live video for Chris Lake’s remix that recaps a monumental tour. Viewers are flown through a montage of Felix’s aggressively busy summer, taking us from his numerous festival appearances all the way to the set of his “Bonfire” music video. In true Felix fashion, he also made sure to feature the people he relies on and cares for the most – his fans. Watch the video below and buy the remix on iTunes.