This one has been a long time coming, folks. Originally premiered by Martin Garrix during this year’s installment of EDC Las Vegas, trap legend Lookas‘ track “Can’t Get Enough” has been circling the sets of some of bass music’s most noteworthy contributors for months. Finally, fans are now able to get their hands on the monumental release for the very first time, and boy are we excited.
The release comes ahead of Lookas’ debut Australian tour, set to take place from October 14 to the 22 at some of the country’s most esteemed music venues. With a separate opening spot on 3lau’s world tour in the works, Lookas is certainly becoming a busy man when it comes to the live show circuit.
The track begins with sharp percussion strikes and a distant vocal loop before the elements are abruptly stripped away, leading to a brass-filled swell towards the drop. Suddenly, a cascade of layered lasers rains down over a rumbling sub bass. Without a moment to lose, the track climbs upwards once more, this time dropping into a dubstep laden section complete with growls, screeches and smashing glass.
Listen to “Can’t Get Enough” below, and scroll further down to find your free download available for the next 24 hours.