After the events of Thursday evening’s shooting in Dallas, and the recent shootings of Philando Castile (Falcon Heights, MN) and Alton Sterling (Baton Rouge, LA), the nation has been in a sensitive place. Even figures who less commonly speak out about such atrocities, like Skrillex, felt compelled to make a public statement (albeit on Twitter).
In light of those tragedies, A Guy Called Gerald, a British DJ and producer, felt it wholly necessary to speak out in an entirely inappropriate manner, writing, “dam shame I never got to see the blood gushing out of [those police officers] like I saw from Alton sterling.r.i.p.” [sic]
The EDM community is supposed to be one of peace and tolerance, and DJ/producers like Ten Walls have already demonstrated what the community will do in retaliation if those ideals are trampled upon. Many in the comments section of this DJ’s post have already denounced him, and one asks the obvious question, “Wonder how many subscribers/fans you’ll lose after this atrocious comment.”
Though A Guy Called Gerald did not insult the entire LGBTQ community like Ten Walls did, his comment shows an intense lack of regard for the feelings of others and will likely cast a shadow on his career from here out.
The post was made nearly 24 hours ago, and despite massive criticism, it remains up.