Ruby Rose, the DJ-turned-actress-turned-allegedly-fake-DJ, has taken to Instagram to voice her concern over whiplash that Taylor Swift has endured following her split with Calvin Harris.
And while Harris is reportedly already working on a “breakup song,” Swift has faced heavy criticism from fans after quickly moving into a very public relationship with Tom Hiddleston, best known for playing the character Loki in the Thor and Avengers franchises.
Ruby Rose finds this criticism unwarranted, although Calvin would beg to differ, and she goes on quite the rant about it in this lengthy post below. While Rose has a good point about the heart wanting what the heart wants, it’s impossible for anyone outside of a relationship to speak assertively on a subject matter as sensitive as this – especially when all involved have achieved a high level of celebrity fame and little is left to their private lives.
What do you think?
H/T Mirror