Flume is GOAT. That’s not even an exaggeration.
While deadmau5 is putting together his comeback from his new god-tier studio in Toronto, halfway across the world 24-year-old Australian wonderboy Harley Streten, aka Flume, has been steadily building anticipation for his second studio album Skin. And with his latest release, put out for free download via email blast and entitled “Wall Fuck,” it’s hard not to draw parallels between the two artists. Their sound design and atmospheric compositions epitomize the standard for electronic music production and their willingness to experiment with the abstract pushes boundaries further than their predecessors could have ever imagined.
I’m just going to go ahead and say it: Flume is, by all rights, the next deadmau5. Pegged by Zimmerman himself as a headliner for his dream festival, we’re just sitting here waiting for a collab – however, it’s one that will probably never happen given their contrasting brands.
Don’t lament this unfortunate truth for long, though, as we have Skin to prepare for which has finally received an official release date: May 27th.