Rising Las Vegas duo known as BRLY LGL has returned with a brand new single titled “Ghetto Embellishment”, and I must say it is quite the tune. They really do live up to their “adult sounds” hype, bringing loud and banging beats back around to us. The track delivers everything, from an enticing intro that brings you to the peak of listening pleasure, to a fast paced, energetic build which drops you straight into the snake pit of middle eastern synths. This tune absolutely delivers carefully placed percussion, rugged kicks were made harder than diamonds. Ghetto Embellishment is exactly what the name states, beats from the underground topped of with the beauty and ambiance of a classical masterpiece. With nearly 100k plays on Soundcloud, it’s clear to see this creative production is on point with listeners.
BRLY LGL is a duo that is going to go far with their music should they continue to cross boundaries set before them. Be sure to listen to more of their work by following their social media links below!