Your EDM’s “Aspire to Inspire” series was created in March 2014. In this series individuals within the music industry share their stories of resilience, specifically discussing challenges or adversities they have both faced and overcome in life. Previous examples include: loss of a loved one, addiction, depression, feelings of loneliness, bullying, career dilemmas, and homophobia. The goal of ATI is to strengthen connection and inspire resilience and change among individuals.
For the last two years this has been a two-part series featuring some of the world’s most renowned musicians and industry professionals including Dada Life, Laidback Luke, The Chainsmokers, Arty, Dyro, GRiZ, and the founder of Electric Family to name a few. Their stories have been shared via articles or a Google Hangout on Air livestream.
On Monday, March 21st Shaun Frank, Tony Junior, Sander Kleinenberg, and Vassy will take part in the inaugural Aspire to Inspire Live in-person experience, debuting at Miami’s Winter Music Conference.
Where: Shelborne Wyndham Grand, Miami Beach (South Beach)
Room: TBD
When: Monday, March 21st from 1:00-2:30 PM
Badges can be purchased here:
Vassy: “One of the most difficult challenges in my life was losing my father and going through the process of grieving, 14 years later it just becomes part of your life. Also, leaving the comfort of my family and my country to go to the other side of the world where I didn’t know anyone and had to start from scratch. People didn’t really care about me or notice me until I had proven myself. This was a huge sacrifice I had to make. It has been difficult being away from family and loved ones and being on my own to pursue my dreams in a faraway country. There are a lot of lonely periods that come with this. I had to just persevere, believe in myself, and remember that something amazing was awaiting around the corner.”
Shaun Frank: “I want to be able to do whatever I want, that’s the whole point of this. I don’t think anyone chose to be a musician so that they could be told what to do. Music is like the ultimate ‘fuck you’ career. I’m trying to just maintain power and control, and surround myself with people that support what I do rather than those who try to change what I do.”