Instrumental grime has certainly grown as its own distinct sound in recent years, incorporating elements from other genres to add new dimensions to the music being created. Loom’s “cold war grime” sound is yet another pathway into a world where immersive soundscapes meet heavy rave rhythms.
“European Heartache” boasts five tracks that each tell their own story in different settings. Imagine you’re playing a video game being directed through various worlds. Where a lot of music dance music nowadays is specifically tailored to the club, this project will take you on a sonic adventure. Mr. Mitch has done it yet again with his Gobstopper Records imprint. Download on iTunes now.
“The core theme in my EP is a struggle with identity. What’s my identity when society dictates how I should present myself because of my race, sex, religion, sexual preference. What’s my identity, when the borders keep changing, when I’ve been displaced, fled my country because of war, what’s my identity when my sex changes? Do I even know my own identity, or am I just portraying what I think is expected of me?”
– Loom