Varien’s new project Koinu is officially live! And what a way to start the festivities…
I’ve been into Asian-influenced rock and pop since my middle school days watching anime OVAs, so I’m well aware of CL’s history with group 2NE1. Now she’s going and doing her own thing, and Koinu is here to pick up the pieces and paste them together into some dark, grungy amalgam.
Fans of Varien know that his style is extremely variable, and Koinu is going the heavier route, for sure. This style of heavy, raucous bass music has been popularized in 2015 by Skrillex, Must Die!, Virtual Riot and more, but Koinu … there’s a technicality, a freshness to his work that is extremely refreshing. I don’t think it would be stretch to call this a masterpiece, or at least as close to perfect as any artist will allow their work to be called.