Florida based startup Nervana just changed the headphone game for good. Instead of just stopping at high fidelity sound, Nervana has created a headphone that releases neurotransmitters in the brain to spark your pleasure center. Nervana headphones’ proprietary technology utilizes low-power electric stimulation synchronized to music. These impulses then stimulate the vagus nerve to release serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin, literally getting you high off the music.
Listeners can plug the headphones into the Nervana Generator, or any media player, and the headphones will emit the electric stimulation in sync with the beat to chauffeur a trip to your happy place. There’s also an ‘ambient mode’ that will trigger the impulses according to your surrounding environment, ideal for music festival bliss. Nervana Headphones are currently set at $299 and will become available for pre-order in March, with product shipping out in late spring. Nervana’s debut at CES 2016 was an absolute success, and has left those who sampled the device with some incredible stories; here’s what one tester had to say about the experience:
“I felt the electricity go into my arm, and everything was tingling there, but the best moment for me was afterwards when I finished and stood up. I felt like I reached a personal high point. I couldn’t stop smiling or laughing. I was like, ‘Oh wow.’ For about five minutes, my happiness level was a 10 out of 10. Then it got foggier, but I was still unusually happy for about an hour.”