Instagram is where once-interesting trends go to die. That’s right, man-buns would have been fine if everyone and their brother didn’t start rocking ’em, same with that whole flock-of-birds tattoo, and even the septum piercing epidemic. However, there’s always something new to replace yesteryear, and guess what it is this time? Blacklight hair is storming the Insta-world, and for now, it’s actually pretty awesome.
Colored hair has been around for plenty long, and every so often you might run across someone who went for something a bit out of the ordinary. A blossoming green, perhaps? Or maybe even a lavish purple. Well, imagine taking color exploration even further into the spectrum. The latest hair dyes are implementing UV reactive properties to transform your dome piece from a daytime mop to a self-contained disco ball at night. We can barely comprehend what the dance scene will look like if this continues to catch on. Imagine, a club filled with bobbing heads of fluorescent dandelions, a veritable sea of psychedelic strands undulating to the beat like a swarm of jellyfish… I’m all about it.
While it’s debatable whether or not these dyes are actually healthy for your hair, it’s certainly a hell of a lot safer than getting a blacklight tattoo. If you’re interested in trying it out, Kryolan and Manic Panic seem to be the most popular brands. Scope the results below.
H/T Elite Daily