Premiered in Minneapolis on December 11th, and experienced by me the following night in Chicago, Excision‘s new Paradox Stage has been the talk of the town ever since it was first teased to the public. Featuring a whopping 150,000 watts of PK sound and equipment quality the likes of which we’ve never seen, the Paradox is a must see for any lover of bass music or incredible visual production. Over the course of the next 3 months, the Paradox will arrive in more than 40 locations across the US, packed and hauled inside three enormous semi trucks.
Today, following the hundreds of fan-released videos of the stage, the official trailer for Excision’s 2016 tour has finally been uploaded to his YouTube channel. Revealing a small sampling of the stage’s mind-boggling production and music selection, this trailer gives an accurate and tantalizing look at the carnage that will be his 2016 tour.
Watch the video below, and click here for a complete event review of the Paradox stage.
For access to tickets and complete tour dates and locations, visit Excision’s official website here.