As part of the first installment of his worldwide World’s Biggest Guestlist project, Hardwell stopped at the Bombay Port Trust Ground in Mumbai to perform a show for more than a thousand underprivileged children from the nation’s leading child program, Magic Bus.
Before playing, Hardwell took to the streets of the city to spend time with the families of several of the children in order to better understand the difficulties of daily life in India. During the event, besides playing music, Hardwell played games with the children and handed out prizes to the different contest winners. Shailendra Singh, creator Sunburn Festival and Joint MD of the event’s organizer Percept, commented on the DJ’s presence:
“We are lucky to have the world’s best DJ with us, supporting this cause. We have a massive fan following of dance music in the country and our idea is to mobilise everyone towards the cause of education through this genre. Dance music has the power to unite, and the time do it, is now.”
The charity project will touch down in many more cities around the globe in the upcoming weeks, and comes as a joint effort between Hardwell’s own United We Are foundation and Shailendra Singh’s Guestlistevents. In conjunction with the charity pursuits and program development, Hardwell is also attempting to break the Guinness World Record for, of course, World’s Largest Guestlist.
Head of marketing for event partner Faasos Revant Bhate said this:
“This is a great way of integrating dance music with the concept of supporting a charity. We are privileged to be part of this first-of-its-kind collaboration where Faasos is donating one rupee to Magic Bus for every tweet with the #magicbus. We believe Magic Bus has the potential to build a compassionate community where stakeholders like us can come together to create long term sustainable impact.”
To contribute to Magic Bus’s still-growing donation pool, visit this link.
Source: RadioAndMusic