Aanchal Arora, 23, has passed away after injuries sustained during Skrillex’s final tour stop in Gurgaon, India. The post-mortem report points to cardiac arrest due to suffocation as the cause of death, and Assistant Commissioner of Police (DLF) Ramesh Pal comments that Arora had no pre-existing illness or disease that would have contributed. Another friend that accompanied Arora is still in critical condition. Police are reviewing CCTV footage to ensure no foul play, but the investigation is pointing blame directly on overcrowding the venue.
The show’s organizer, Clockwork Events, expected a turn-out of around 5,000, but actual attendance numbered more than 10,000, making for an incredibly congested venue. (Though, another publication disputes these numbers, claiming that the goal was 6,000 and 15,000 showed up.) With India having the second highest population in the world, it’s quite an underestimation to think only 5,000 people would show up for a Skrillex concert. This is the precise reason for capacity restrictions, and failure to enforce them is indeed considered negligence. Clockwork Events has not responded to any inquiries and has yet to provide alternative contact information.
“It depends on what the true story is. If they did indeed over-sell tickets and pack the venue beyond capacity, then it is negligence on the organiser’s part.” – Commissioner of Police, Ramesh Pal
It all seems too familiar to the incident at Steve Aoki’s show in Madrid several years ago, where overcrowding played a part in the trampling of three girls. It’s a grievous tragedy that could have been prevented with more care given to planning the event. Our hearts go out to Aanchal’s family and friends.
H/T Huffington Post
This is very sad indeed 🙁 Event Managers should have looked into it beforehand.