Young Lungs continues to expand his already vast repertoire of unique material with each release. His latest comes in the form of a collaboration with Dutchboy titled “MP3 Tears,” produced by the faithful Cian P. Much like his work his Josh Pan, this track rests as a contemplative and melancholy crooner with gentle production and a focus on his own vocals. “Mp3 Tears” is currently up for free download here.
The track starts with ethereal, airy synths that flutter by themselves before the vocals enter the space. The main verse is accompanied by background syllables and a simple percussion arrangement. The drums are removed in place of light chime hits. While they slowly return, the vocals remain the center of the song’s focus. The break sees a change in the mood, with a bouncier and more minimal assortment of rhythms and elements. Eventually, it returns to the flow that we remember, the vocals repeating their original chorus. High-pitched voices riff soulfully in the distance as the track comes to a close.