The revolution of weird in underground bass music continues day by day; and of course, California’s Bay Area is home to plenty of young champions slinging this wonky sound. One of these new kids on the block, a producer by the name of Aristoi, has definitely caught our attention with his latest EP, Just Desserts. Over the course of four tracks, he cultivates an extraterrestrial vibe via the use of detuned synth notes and off-kilter, body-bashing drum patterns. The atmosphere here is almost industrial; imagine doing a major dose of acid in an abandoned automobile factory and you’ll start to get an idea of what Aristoi‘s music may make you feel. ‘Nom Talm Bout’, the collaboration with fellow Bay Area native, DOBAQ, stands out as both the most well put-together track on the release and the only one that can be easily classified; the rest is out of this world space music.
So, if you need your daily dose of weird, you’ve definitely found it. Check out the full stream of Aristoi‘s Just Desserts EP after the jump and be sure to keep your eyes on this up & coming artist.
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