Every week the galactic party known as Space Yacht takes over Los Angeles to bring the most futuristic beats in this universe. Hosted at the Golden Box venue every Tuesday, Space Yacht is a great escape from the typical club life you experience every weekend. VIP hosts with $800 bottles of champagne is replaced with pizza, local artists and a night you will most likely never forget.
Last week hosted a packed house for the Buygore label party and this week looks no different. With artists such as Alexander Lewis, Mike Gao, D O C and more, Space Yacht threatens to disrupt the entire LA club scene.
If you are in the area, doors open at 9:00pm and attendance is a must. However, if you are not in the area and still want to experience the event, Your EDM will be live streaming the event starting at 10:00pm:
RSVP To Space Yacht This Tuesday: HERE
Watch The Livestream Starting At 10:00pm This Tuesday: HERE
To get ready for this weeks Space Yacht, you can check out the Soundcloud teaser playlist below: