Imagine you’re in middle school in the early years of last decade – you’ve got a Zune in your backpack, a tamagotchi on your zipper (you don’t care that it’s old, you’re a trendsetter), and your hair is long and pitch black. You know what bands you like, and you think that everything else is a shell of what they could be, owing to the capitalistic and anarchist nature of the government. You’re probably 13 and listening to emo music.
Now you’re grown up, and diving head first into EDM, but you still miss that sound you grew up with … never fear! De La Torre is here to help you out. Even going so far as opening up with the soooo emo line “Time is the enemy of love,” De La Torre changes the key of the track to make it more melancholic, less happy. Certain sections are excised, others abridged, but De La Torre certainly makes this track their own with live guitar and drums.
Teen magazine J-14 incorrectly identifies frontman Anthony De La Torre as a Nickelodeon star, though it’s not hard to see why. Despite their manufactured look and appeal, the track really isn’t that bad. Take a listen below and judge for yourself.