Stateside, the duo known as Jack Ü has dominated the festival circuit. Even across the world, the new power duo has been making a name for themselves for the last year and a half. But, for some odd reason, Jack Ü has never been booked at one of the dance meccas of the world, Ibiza.
However, it appears the white isles cannot deny the power of Jack Ü any longer. The duo’s first booking has been confirmed as next month they will take part in an epic 5-year anniversary party including the likes of Chase & Status, Oliver Dollar, Riva Starr and more.
With tickets still available, you can be sure Jack Ü will play an intimate and personal set for their debut.
Grab your tickets here: Tickets
Also, keep in mind, there are multiple residencies going on in Ibiza throughout the summer. This special party falls on the same date as Hardwell performing his Carnival residency.