I’ve written about Exert a couple times before. He’s a young talent that hasn’t had his chance to really shine in the limelight, but I’m hoping that his latest Dauntless EP changes that. The EP contains four tracks, but I’d really like to focus on two of them – “Press Play” & “Phrygian Dub.”
As you might be able to tell from the album artwork (above), the EP has a bit of an Eastern flair to it. That begins right off the bat with the opening track, “Press Play.” Though subtle, you can hear it in the bass synth and rhythm when the drums hit and the cymbals crash. The synths playfully collide with the casual drum patterns and create an enticing half-time drum & bass tune. As with most drumstep tunes, wait for the last drop for a massive DnB switch up.
“Phrygian Dub” goes even further with the Eastern motif, capitalizing on Eastern string synths and a subtle, crunchy bassline in the intro. The drop is a little less refined in this track; rather than toeing the line between DnB and dubstep, it seems like it rather can’t make up its mind. Even still, it’s a really cool track that tries to do something different, and for that, it gets points.
You can listen to the whole EP below, and be sure to check out the other two tracks, “Dauntless” and “The Heart.” You can purchase the EP here.