HW&W’s Mike Gao recently hit the studio with a powerful entourage of collaborators and friends. Promnite of Athletixx, IAMNOBODI of Soulection, and EurekaTheButcher all stopped by to lend hands to a soulful and hard-hitting remix of Denzel Curry‘s “Ultimate“. Designed for an intimate club setting, this new spin is sure to introduce a heavy gravitational pull toward the dance floor for any stragglers. It is currently up for free download.
The track begins with a warbled, Eastern string being bowed alongside light piano chords and faraway bongo hits. A cascade of white noise brings with it more present percussive elements until Denzel Curry’s vocals enter the space beside a deadly kick drum, snare, and flickers of shakers. The rhythm provides satisfying weight to the vocals as soft flute arpeggios and stings of synth fade in and out. A fast-paced xylophone arrangement contributes to the vibe cultivation. The various pieces of percussion evolve and replace each other throughout the length of the track, tethered to Curry’s powerful words and flow.