Enschway and Luude, a pair of inventive and skilled Australian producers, have just joined forces on a track premiered by their label The South East Grind in a celebratory compilation EP for the label’s 1-year anniversary. “Timezone” is a fiercely energetic and dirt nasty hybrid of future and underground trap, with a healthy sprinkling of the consistently melody-oriented Australian influence.
The track begins with distorted and chopped vocal samples echoing through the space, as a steadily rising pattern of synths and warbles make their way to the front of the mix. A marching band-esque snare beat reveals the quickly approaching rhythm. After the short, pitched swell accompanied by off-tone blips and beeps, a voice growls out the song’s memorable hook. A harsh metallic surge and uplifting scrapes start the drop off, but it quickly evolves into an intensely melodic wall of synth. It becomes clear that Luude and Enschway know their way around a pitch wheel, as the notes never stay static throughout the length of the break. Indecipherable vocal stings ring out during the silences, the energy maintaining its level even within the rest between drops.
Download the track for free here, and check out the rest of The South East Grind’s 1st Birthday EP.