Who doesn’t love the Backstreet Boys? Even if you say you don’t, we know they’re one of your 90’s guilty pleasures. If you’re a lover of bass music, then you should already be a fan of Apashe, who turned up a bootleg with Oski and Lennon of one of the boy band’s records. “Everybody” isn’t just an awesome pop record anymore; now, it’s a heavy dance record that is a must for DJs and fans alike.
Apashe‘s Kannibalen Records label mate Snails dropped this at EDC, and the crowd went ballistic, like you’ll go in just a moment. The guys keep some of the original elements to really kick up the nostalgia, but then they take a turn, and later another turn. First, we dive into a dirty trap beat that sports a filthy bassline. As the song progresses, the tempo picks up and they climax into… deep house? Yep, and it’s epic.
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