Ryan Adams, an alternative-country-rocker gone solo, got a bit peeved during his set last night at the Governor’s Ball in New York. Apparently the bass from deadmau5’s stage could be overheard, and Adams, whose twitter handle ‘TheRyanAdams’ now seems more appropriate, joked about a lack of musicality in electronic music production.
According to Billboard, Adams went off on quite the rant: “Try to make this song on your f–king iPhone,” Adams projected in the middle of the set,
“This song is not going to match the robot music over there… It’s like we’re living in a f–king Terminator nightmare!”
Pay attention people, because there is a wave of ignorant discrimination starting to crash down over electronic music. Since those ignorant to the depth and rich culture of EDM tend to only hear what’s on the radio, they fail to understand the complex sound design that goes into electronic music production, and assume that it is simple and effortless simply because it is different. While deadmau5 has years upon years of dedicated practice in a studio, similar to that of a rock musician, an outsider might solely hear a booming bassline and assume that you can create it on an “iPhone.”
This kind of crass ignorance never fails to make my blood boil, but maybe it’d be healthier to adopt deadmau5’s careless attitude.
People love to bash intimidating aspects of concepts they don’t understand, but upholding a harmless, satirical outlook may prevent further disputes between our beloved genres. Thankfully the two came to terms over Twitter and are happy to consider it all in jest.
I guess Ryan Adams wasn’t feeling it. No biggie. Sorry for bass? Whatever. Nice seeing you again too. *shrug* back to my iPod. — deadmau5 (@deadmau5) June 7, 2015
@TheRyanAdams nah man. i thought it was funny. 😉 no harm done.
— deadmau5 (@deadmau5) June 7, 2015
Joel certainly gets it.