Continuing his recent work with MTV, Dillon Francis has an extremely important safety announcement for you: practice “safe sets.” The statement itself may be painfully punny, but the message Dillon’s trying to convey is actually as significant as it is cringeworthy.
Festival season is in full bloom, and if you’re like me, you will try to get as close to the stage as humanly possible for as many shows that you can. After reading a recent study, however, we all may have to calm down a little. According to WLRN, a Miami-based news team, sound levels at Ultra 2013 reached a high of 115 decibels inside the festival’s gates. That’s more powerful than a nearby power saw. Dillon Francis is telling you to “put condoms in your ears” for a reason. His antics may be hilarious, but his message should be taken (seriously) to heart.
Wear earplugs everyone.