A little background here: when I first started in the industry, I used to do a little bit of freelance for The Untz, and I still follow a lot of the articles they post. I saw they posted about an artist I was unfamiliar with: Frameworks. Apparently this artist had just released his debut album, so I was eager to listen.
‘Tides’ sees him joining the dots between instrumental hip hop heroes Aim and RJD2, the epic soundscapes of Cinematic Orchestra and the deft songwriting of Bonobo.
From the vast number of influences on this album, you would expect it to be a rather eclectic combination of tunes – and it is. Folk, bluegrass, hip-hop, ambient, cinematic scores … they all make appearances on this piece and it help to evolve Tides into a spectacularly well-rounded release.
I’m always impressed by how varied downtempo releases are. More than any other genre, I’ve found that downtempo is able to explore innumerable genres and influences and roll them into the overall experience, bringing it to previously unknown heights. The masterful strings and vocal work in Tides set it apart from other releases, truly shining on its own.
I would recommend this album to anyone who’s had a long, stressful day and needs some calming music to relax with. Pick up your copy here.