The notorious deadmau5 has returned, and this time with a special guest on his latest coffee run, the Game Of Thrones actor Kristian Nairn who plays Hodor the huge. Currently on his Rave Of Thrones tour, the 20-year experienced DJ goes for a ride in Zimmerman’s custom Jeep Rubicon (the only one of his cars that would fit the behemoth of a man).
The half hour drive is chock full of intense accelerations and features the heavy Irish accent of a surprisingly loquacious Nairn, who is world-renowned for saying only his character’s name. Nairn also drops a slick announcement that he is working on a debut EP as well as several new film and television projects – although he has yet to be confirmed to work on the new series of GOT. Hodor also expresses his interest in getting a Ford Raptor after touring the United States, as it’s the only consumer vehicle he will ever feel small in.
Check out the full run below.
woo!! coffe runtime funtime. this time with my pal @KristianNairn 🙂
— deadmau5 (@deadmau5) April 21, 2015